Sun 2nd
Tues 11th
Tues 18th
Sat 15th
Candlemas - Parish Lunch
Ronnie Smith Big Band Concert 8pm
You Group - Alan Kingshott talk on History of the Tower of London - Part 2. 2.30pm
Coffee Morning with Mini Market 10am
Sat 1st
Wed 5th
Sun 30th
St David’s Day Concert with Sussex Gruffs Male Voice Choir and Inspiration Community Choir 6pm
Ash Wednesday - Lent begins
Low Mass 10am
Sung Mass 7.00pm
Mothering Sunday
Sun 6th
Sun 13th
Thurs 17th
Fri 18th
Sat 19th
Sun 20th
Sat 26th
Annual Parochial Church Council Meeting following Mass
Palm Sunday - Holy Week begins
Maundy Thursday - Mass of the Lord’s Supper 7.30pm
Good Friday
Children’s Craft Morning 10am
The Solemn Liturgy 3pm
Easter Vigil 8.30pm
Easter Day
Coffee Morning and Mini Market
May - Music Month
Sun 11th
Tues 13th
Sat 31st
Sing and Gin evening 6pm.
Ronnie Smith’s Big Band Swing and Jazz Evening
Parish Barn Dance
Sat 7th
Sun 8th
Sat 21st
Thurs 29th
Durrington Festival
Pentecost with Bring and Share Lunch
Coffee Morning and Craft Morning
Ascension Day
Sat 19th
Murder Mystery Evening
Sat 23rd
Sun 24th
Coffee Morning with mini market
Patronal Festival
Sat 13th
Fri 26th
Sat 27th
Ride and Stride and Heritage Weekend
Coffee Morning 10am with Playback
MacMillian Coffee Morning 10am
Harvest supper with Harvest Home
Sat 4th
Autumn Fayre 11am - 3pm
Sat 1st
Sun 2nd
Sun 9th
Tues 11th
Sun 16th
Sun 23rd
Sun 30th
Monster Craft Morning 10am - 11.30am
All Saints Mass 10am
Remembrance Sunday
Ronnie Smith’s Big Band Swing and Jazz Evening
Beer and Hymns 4pm
Christ the King
Advent Begins
Darkness to Light Service 4pm
Sat 6th
Sat 13th
Sun 14th
Sun 21st
Wed 24th
Thurs 25th
Christmas Tree Festival with Santa’s Grotto
Christmas Tree Festival Concert TBC
Christingle Service 4pm
Carol Service 4pm
Christmas Eve
Crib Service 4pm
Midnight Mass 11pm
Christmas Day
Family Mass 10am